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About Research


Unravelling the pathogenicity potential of Arcobacter butzleri

Arcobacter butzleri is a Gram-negative bacterium widely distributed, which have been associated with human diseases, namely gastrointestinal illness. A. butzleri’ pathogenicity potential is strengthened by its capacity to adhere, invade, and intracellularly survive, as well as to produce toxins. Additionally, data from genomic analysis highlights a vast set of putative virulence genes, pointing to some of these as helpful candidates for the study of virulence mechanisms. Considering, A. butzleri as an enteropathogen, it must be able to cross the gastrointestinal system to establish infection, passing by numerous stresses, known as a barrier but that also a signal that may modulate virulence features. Thus, in this project, we have been working to fulfil the gap in the knowledge associated with the survival in gastrointestinal system and virulence potential of A. butzleri, as well as, to unveil the role of putative virulence genes and further characterize the A. butzleri-host interaction.

Effect of exposure to antibiotic on the promotion of gastrointestinal pathogen's resistance

The rising resistance of gastrointestinal pathogens, particularly Arcobacter butzleri, to clinically significant antibiotics poses a serious threat to treatment efficacy. Understanding the mechanisms of resistance, evolutionary pathways, and associated trade-offs is essential for developing effective antibiotic strategies. Therefore, we are actively investigating antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and the dynamic evolution induced by antibiotics, particularly at subclinical concentrations, focusing on genotypic and phenotypic implications from a One Health perspective.

The outcomes of this work will be significant in addressing treatment failures and overcoming therapeutic challenges associated with gastrointestinal infections.


Uncovering the resistance mechanisms of Arcobacter butzleri

Arcobacter butzleri is further known by its resistance to several classes of antimicrobials and even multidrug resistance. However, the mechanisms underlying antimicrobial resistance of A. butzleri have been poorly addressed, with previous studies showing a vast repertoire of efflux pump systems likely playing a role. Among diverse mechanisms, we have focused on efflux pumps role, namely the resistance nodulation cell division (RND) family systems, which are relevant elements, as they contribute not only to antibiotic resistance, but also to bacterial physiology and virulence. Thus, we have been working to fulfil this gap in the knowledge and to unveil the role of RND efflux pumps and others in antimicrobial resistance and virulence in A. butzleri.


Synthetic and natural compounds as antimicrobials

In response to the growing challenge of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need to develop innovative compounds and approaches to combat resistant pathogens. Existing antibiotics are becoming less effective against evolving bacterial strains, posing a severe threat to public health. Novel compounds with distinct mechanisms of action are crucial for overcoming bacterial resistance mechanisms. Additionally, natural compounds play a significant role in this pursuit, offering bioactive properties that can combat resistance or modulate virulence. Therefore, we are exploring diverse approaches to identify and employing different molecules with antimicrobial potential, aiming to address the pressing issue of antimicrobial resistance.


Ongoing projects

Since Sep 2022, Susana Ferreira' participation in the project “Montanha Viva – Sistema Previsional Inteligente de Suporte à Decisão em Sustentabilidade” (Montanha Viva – Intelligent Decision Support System for Sustainability),  Promove 2022 project, funded by the "la Caixa" Foundation and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) PROMOVE: MOBILIZING R&D PROJECTS (Ref. PD21-00009),  (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Pedro Dinis)

Past projects

Fev 2023 – dez 2023 – Susana Ferreira' participation in the project “Assessment of innovative eco-friendly technologies to contrast Listeria monocytogenes biofilm in the food industry” PANF_GFI_22_01_F, Grant for Internationalization 2022 of the University of Turin (Responsável: Dr. Felice Panebianco)


2023 - Innovative Nanoemulsion for Antimicrobial Treatment (Nanoemulsão Inovadora para Tratamento Antimicrobiano” NITA), Ignition project and Proof of Concept – INOVC+ Ecossistema de Inovação Inteligente - Principal Investigator: Susana Ferreira


2020-2021 - “Elucidation of the pathogenicity mechanisms of Aliarcobacter butzleri” funded by C4-UBI, Cloud Computing Competence Centre - Principal Investigator: Susana Ferreira


2020-2021 - Susana Ferreira' participation in the project "Resistance of Aliarcobacter butzleri to macrolides," funded by C4-UBI, Cloud Computing Competence Centre. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Fernanda Domingues).


2016-2017 - "Antibiotic Resistance of Arcobacter butzleri – Focus on Genetics," internally funded by the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge in collaboration with the URGI Campylobacter/Helicobacter/Clostridium Laboratory of the Department of Infectious Diseases (Principal Investigators: Mónica Oleastro (INSA) and Susana Ferreira (CICS/UBI)) (reference 2016DDI1284).


2014-2015 - Susana Ferreira' participation in the project "Technologies for Purification and controlled release of biopharmaceuticals to be applied in age-related diseases" (CENTRO-07-ST24-FEDER-002014) funded by the Mais Centro Operational Program. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ignacio Verde).


2012-2014 - Susana Ferreira' participation in the project "Resveratrol-based functional foods to control and prevent pathogen colonization in poultry products" (PTDC/AGR-ALI/121876/2010) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). (UBI Responsible: Prof. Dr. Fernanda Domingues).


2007-2010 - Susana Ferreira' participation in the project "Production of biofuels from forest waste" (IFADAP no. 2006.09.001055.1) funded by the Institute for Financing and Support of Agriculture and Fisheries Development (IFADAP) (UBI Responsible: Prof. Dra. Ana Paula Duarte).



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